Recent content by .44 caliber

  1. .44 caliber

    I am so sorry (April Fools 2009)

    I love reading this thread. I shake my head and feel stupid every time. Still one of the best April Fool's jokes I've ever been part of. Lick my nuts Steve.
  2. .44 caliber

    CSGO 10mans 2015?

    10 man scrims were some of the best fun I've ever had in TD. I would join in.
  3. .44 caliber

    How I feel

    Thread Status: This thread is more than 365 days old. Therefore, it is better than any of the shit that gets posted nowadays. Noticed this gem at the bottom of the page. Good job with the forums. Even though they're gay as fuck.
  4. .44 caliber

    NEWS CS:GO and Insurgency Are Closed, or Not.

    Good shit guys, was fun! Lets get this slut rollin' more often. This was the best turnout since more than a year ago.
  5. .44 caliber

    Epic/Funny Quotes from DARKLY

    "Leroy's the kind of guy where he could pick up your mom and you're ok with it" - $tve "...and he'd be so ruthless about it too. He'd be like alright Steve, we're off to bed." - 47 That night on egon is by far one of my best recent cs memories. So glad Ron swanson captured that video.
  6. .44 caliber

    NEWS CS:GO and Insurgency Are Closed, or Not.

    I get gradual fps drops when I join off steam server window from desktop. When I join server after game launch tho it works just fine. Been like that since 2014, no idea why. Sniffing markers as a child has never helped my cause in these situations.
  7. .44 caliber

    NEWS CS:GO and Insurgency Are Closed, or Not.

    I wish someone had Betterman's "loves the cock" spray slide show. Or any video with Jam's voice.
  8. .44 caliber

    No one on the servers?

    H1Z1 was broke as fuck last time I played it a year ago, halfbaked and lame. You telling me its fun now?
  9. .44 caliber

    CSGO 10mans 2015?

    I'm in. Someone message me if they see me online and I forget. It will be more popular. When we did this in source, it was first come first serve and ppl were crying when they didnt get to play.
  10. .44 caliber

    ACCEPTED TD | Membership Application: Ron Swanson

    OHHHH so you're R.Swanny Gaming! Ok it makes sense now :bigderp: Welcome to TD.
  11. .44 caliber

    Official Pizza Thread

    that mcDo pizza was the cat's meow
  12. .44 caliber

    Operation Bloodhound

    $7.50 ??? for shame
  13. .44 caliber

    Help Getting Server Started

    My PC loves dick, so give it cock... I mean players... ah fuck it nevermind, I'm in.
  14. .44 caliber

    NEWS DARKLY Insurgency Servers [RIP]

    Its no secret that the pub life for Counterstrike is at an all time gay. How many cheaters you guys see in this crap? Do we need admins in there to rule mawfuckis? I'll get the game and give it the ol' spinny try.