Search results

  1. THE EPIC™

    DENIED Banned on Steam Rep/New policy

    Name When Banned: I Like Pie Steam ID:[U:1:118108622] Game: tf2 Server: Darkly Gaming Ban Reason: Marked Scammer State your case: Steam rep has a new policy as of 2016 and i was told by them to contact the place where i was banned which was here Proof of New Policy...
  2. THE EPIC™

    DENIED My Acount Dealing With Steam Rep

    Name When Banned: I Like Pie Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:59054311 Game: TF2 Server: All trade servers/ Steam rep Ban Reason: Has an alternate account State your case: So on steam rep there is a werid stop sign saying i have stolen things on an alt account Steam Rep does not know that i have a...
  3. THE EPIC™


    Check my bp on what u might like and add me and we will talk about the price :p
  4. THE EPIC™

    DENIED Application For Being a ADMIN/MODERATOR On Trade Servers:D

    Game Handle(s):Tf2 SteamID:THE EPIC™ Previous Clan/Community affiliations:Kill Streak Gaming Real First Name:Ryan Age:15 Location: Ontario,Canada Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: Darkly Trade servers 1-5 Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin:I want to be an admin because I go into...