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A Guy Walks into A Bar.....

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Guy walks into a bar with an octopus, tells the bartender, "hey, hire me, my talking octopus will bring in customers!".

Bartender says, "big deal, talking animals, we've had talking horses, dogs, fish, birds...get out of here with your stupid octopus."

Guy says, "but wait, my octopus can play any instrument like a virtuoso".

Bar tender points to piano, says "let's see him do something on the keyboard."

Octopus goes over to piano, starts playing with eight arms, sounds like four concert pianists jamming. Bar tender yells over to live band, to bring over a guitar. Octopus plays incredible music, sounds like three guitar masters playing. Bartender says, "give him a trumpet, octopus plays jazz with blinding fury over six octave range."

Scotsman over in the corner says "hold on just a minute, let's us see 'i'm do somethin' wi' me bagpipes". Scotsman hands over his pipes to the octopus. Octopus coils and flops and grabs all over the bagpipes, nothing coming out but occasional off key honks and burps and toots.

Bartender says "haha, look at him flounder, he doesn't know how to play those"

Octopus looks up from his struggles and says "play it? as soon as I figure out how to get its pajamas off, I'm gonna fuck it!"
You owe me 2 mins of my life back.

Here's a joke:

A bum (homeless person) walks into a bar and asks for a toothpick so the bartender gives him a toothpick.

Another bum walks into the same bar and asks for a toothpick so the bartender gives him a toothpick again.

A third bum goes into that same bar and asks for a straw so the bartender gives him a straw and asks "Why don't you want a toothpick like all the other bums?"

The bum says "Well… a guy puked his guts out in the ally but the other bums already got all of the good stuff."


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
ewwww clown !!!

a horse walks into a bar. bartender says : "hey buddy, why the long face ?"


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
shotgun jesus walks into the bar and says: BUKKAKE !!!

.44 caliber

TD Admin
You owe me 2 mins of my life back.

Thats was good shadow, bman's just bitter cuz thats what all the girls say to him in bed LOL :D

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
[quote1224512815=.44 CALiBER]
You owe me 2 mins of my life back.

Thats was good shadow, bman's just bitter cuz thats what all the girls say to him in bed LOL :D

3 guys are walking thru the wilderness of the world somewhere and are confronted by a group of cannabals. One of the 3 guys is English, one is Irish and the other is Scottish...

The cannicals kidnap these 3 men and take them to their homebase where they have a big hot pot ready to roast them with all the fixins... The first man is asked by one of the cannibals "What nationality are you?" The first man replies, "English". The cannibal replies, "Get in the pot!"

The second man is asked by the cannibal, "what nationality are you?" The second man says "Scottish." The cannibal says "get in the pot!"

The 3rd man is asked by the cannibal, "what nationliaty are you?" The third man replies, "Irish." The cannibal escorts him to the nearest shore and tells him to go home..... Once @ the shore, the Irishman says "why did you let me go?" The cannibal replies, "because the last Irish guy ate all the potatoes."

3 guys are walking thru the wilderness of the world somewhere and are confronted by a group of cannabals. One of the 3 guys is English, one is Irish and the other is Scottish...

The cannicals kidnap these 3 men and take them to their homebase where they have a big hot pot ready to roast them with all the fixins... The first man is asked by one of the cannibals "What nationality are you?" The first man replies, "English". The cannibal replies, "Get in the pot!"

The second man is asked by the cannibal, "what nationality are you?" The second man says "Scottish." The cannibal says "get in the pot!"

The 3rd man is asked by the cannibal, "what nationliaty are you?" The third man replies, "Irish." The cannibal escorts him to the nearest shore and tells him to go home..... Once @ the shore, the Irishman says "why did you let me go?" The cannibal replies, "because the last Irish guy ate all the potatoes."


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