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DENIED Ban appeal

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I'm New Here
Name When Banned: Hollowheadx2
Steam ID: 1:0:10258365
Server: Forgot the name
Ban Reason: They thought I was hacking

State your case: I was wrongfully banned. The players and admins thought I was cheating when I wasn't. Now I don't really mind if remain banned or not, however I would like to point out that I think this is pretty bad for the community when players who are not cheating get banned because other players and admins get frustrated. I did not cheat, bm, block, or do any action that would warrent a ban in my opinion.
I believe the admins might have been swayed into thinking I cheated because players were saying on mic that I was killing without shooting, knowing where people are, and killing players when I was supposedly blind. All of which are false. The claim I heard that I was killing without shooting is wrong, it may have been because I killed someone with a nade, who knows. Knowing where people are is a result of map knowledge and game sense. Players wrongfully thought I was blind because they might not know how to properly use flashbangs, by which i mean throwing pop-flashes, for anyone who doesn't know what this is this is when you throw a flash so when it appears on the opponents screen it detonates immediately giving no chance at dodging the flash.
Now the main reason for making this ban appeal isn't to lift my ban though I would prefer that. I would just like to give my input to the community by sharing that I think wrongful bans genuinely holds back the cs community as a whole. Admins need to be at a certain level to determine whether players actually cheat or if they are just at a higher skill level. otherwise you only allow low level players to play in your servers, and punish and prevent players of higher skill to play with them. Now I understand that some servers prefer this as I have been politely asked to leave because of a large skill gap, and I don't mind this, but I can say that playing against players who are better than you is by far the best way to improve your game as you will be more strictly punished for poor play and aim.
By no means am I stating that I am an amazing player, but to attest to that I am not a bad player ranting and I do know what I'm talking about I would like to show that I do play at a moderately competitive level, that being
ESEA-Main in both csgo and css: http://play.esea.net/users/312763.
Again this isn't showboating or anything in that vein, this is simply to support my credibility.

tl;dr: I think these kinds of bans hold back this community and the cs community as a whole.


I'm New Here
Me killing entire opponent teams is the result of two things; first is my skill, but second is the opponents' skill. In this game you should be trying to kill your opponent as fast as possible to not give them any chance. If I 180 an enemy then they probably missed, again their lack of aim and skill, which gives me a chance to kill them. On top of that a lot of the time when I killed someone their teammates couldn't seem figure out where I was, which if you have the gamesense should be almost instant from the moment the first player died. The maps in cs aren't too complex, you should be able to figure out all possible spots where someone could have been killed from the moment they die. This lack of gamesense allowed me to string kills one after another, I remember one of the last rounds I played on chateau before I was banned. I just rushed into B got a kill from above a player and two other players just ran into the open as if they didn't even notice that their teammate had died right next to them, neither of them even looked up to check if I was on the floor above.
There is a bit of server lag when you are spectating, and perhaps I was aiming faster than what the server would show you. This lag is more apparent when you spec an awper who flickshots someone and it doesn't show them turning to that enemy. If you flick to the head and land a hs with an ak, this has a similar effect, but is obviously more difficult since you have to land a headshot. That and/or you might be exaggerating.
I highly doubt I am the best csgo player you have 'ever' seen.
After you get used to aiming it becomes natural to aim for the head rather than any other part of the body. On top of that good pre-aim helps.

Why not play on a pub server? Do you think just because you reach a certain level you shouldn't ever play pubs again? Sometimes I don't feel like playing/have the time to play a pug/scrim/10man or dm and just wanna play a little more laid back and freely where I can just run around and shoot people, basically just mindlessly relying on my shot rather than smart plays.
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