• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.

Bartock checking in.


I'm New Here
Since I have been playing a fair amount on the CS:GO server recently, I thought I would pop on the site here and check it out. I thought it appropriate to introduce myself.

I'm a long time CS player (started in University, sometime around 2000-2001 I think), but took a long break around 2004 to play a load of WoW. After completing the last expansion, and having our second child come along, I grew bored of WoW, and decided to find something with a little less time investment needed. I picked up GO during one fo the Steam sales on a whim.

So here I am. I think it's quite obvious that my rust is showing, but am enjoying the atmosphere on the server quite a bit, and you will likely be seeing me around.


TD Admin
Welcome to our forums/servers Bartock. If you love to drink beer,wine or whiskey and have fun, then Toronto Darkly is the place to be.