ITT: You ask me about fitness and nutrition!


The New Jakk
Just a thread for anyone here interested in becoming a little more fit.

I hit the gym 5 to 6 days a week depending on how my routine rotates.

Been lifting for a year and a half, and while I'm not certified to tell you anything, I do know a lot about this shit.

So, if you have time, or money for a gym membership, I can definitely point you in the right direction.

The benefits of working out are as follow:
1. Bully people.
2. Seduce bitches.
3. Live a longer life bullying people and seducing bitches.

I used to be a skinny little runt weighing in 160lbs (at 6'5), then I bulked up to 250, realized I was fat, and now I'm down to 225 aiming for 210 before doing a clean bulk back up to 225. Awesome!

Anyways, I hit the gym since it's actually way more convenient than buying all the crap yourself and finding a place to store it.

At first going to the gym sucked, but then you realize nobody gives a shit, and you get over it.

I think the worst thing that ever happened to me was when I was deadlifting 225 and some dude and his bro walked by and said they benched what I was doing.

I survived and plan on knocking one of them the fuck out in the locker room one day.

Anyways, I'm currently on push, legs and core, pull routine with one day off after.

Push exercises are where you push stuff away from your body, pull is the opposite, and legs and core are self explanatory.

I do the exercises in this order to give my upper body one day rest before exercising it again. Rest is important. Recovery is 30% of the progress while diet is 70%.

The exercises I do are as follow:

Push Day
-Bench Press
-Overhead Press
-Incline Press
-Seated Fly
-Dumbbell Bench (Close Grip Shoulder Width)
-Barbell Scullcrushers
-Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Tricep Pushdowns

Legs and Core
-Front Squats
-Stiff Leg Deadlift
-Leg Press
-Calf Raise
-Seated Calf Raise
-Leg Raise

Pull Day
-Pull Ups
-Upright Row
-Dumbbell Row
-Barbell Shrugs
-Cable Row
-Dumbbell Curl
-Reverse Curl
-Reverse Fly
-Wrist Curl
-Reverse Wrist Curl


So next, you want to pick how many reps and sets you'll do.

It's wise not to go over 25ish working sets an exercise.

A good time to aim at the gym is 45 minutes. Anything over an hour and you're probably doing too much. When you start, you should probably be in there for 30 mintues. More on starting later.

As a rule of thumb, 5Sx3-5R for strength, 3Sx8-12R for size, 3Sx15+R for cardio.

When doing compund movements (movements that involve muscle groups), stick to 5 to 8 reps.

When doing an isolation exercise (something like dumbbell curls that just hit your biceps), go for 8 to 12 reps.

Always do compounds first, then finish up with isolation work.

It's also wise to stick to compunds only for the first three months to solidiy your core.

Have to learn to walk before you run.

A good program that will get you started can be found here.

The gist of it is that you rotate between two workouts on none consequtive days such as Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

On the first workout you squat, bench, and row. On the second workout you squat, press, and deadlift.

Everything is 5x5 except deadlifting which is 1x5.

All you need is a barbell.

You learn the lifts, you figure out your form, and you gain a lot of strength as your central nervous system is forced to adapt to the load.

After three months you can start doing other stuff since you wont break yourself.


Any questions, ask away if you're interested and I'll be more than happy to help.

And remember these wise words of one motherfucker...



Staff member
Gaming forum.
We sit on our asses and play games.
You want us to ask about health and fitness.

What!? You would rather play video games then work out for an hour?

lol but seriously thanks for this info, very detailed and put together nicely. :D


TD Admin / Wanker
What!? You would rather play video games then work out for an hour?
Honestly, I do need to work out, and I've put on a little bit of weight recently.
I'm not gonna lie there.
But I never have enough motivation to do it.

Either way, my post was just a joke :whistle: