• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.

New to Darkly


A Little Darkly
Hey, i was killed by a player in the war z call TOLEROY seemed like a cool dude, talked to him about this site/clan and what not and i d really like to join.


2012 Troll of the Year
Hey buddy, welcome to the fold, join our mumble server, it's available under the dropdown menu


TD Admin | Bacon
Welcome to DARKLY man!!! join the mumble server to frag some civ's and z's!!

Also apply to DARKLY GAMING NETWORK on WarZ. It is on the "second a-to-z list" on the community tab!


TD Admin | Bacon
"Not gonna lie, you killing me leroy is the best thing to happen me in this game." - Taifer after grouping up with us on mumble, after months of solo WarZ play

Taylor Sith

TD Member
Welcome to the Party!! stick around, have fun on the forums, kill or killed by other players in the many games we play!! Enjoy ur stay!!