Populating CS:S.


TD Admin
We should send out CSS events right now and then one later on. that is how we got some people to join yesterday.


TD Admin
This is how we get CSS going again! If you want to play post to the forum, invite friends and send out an event to the Darkly CSS group.


TD Member
It was fun to at least play out one map yesterday. Everyone says CSS is better so I don't get why people are still playing GO. I guess that's technology for ya, if something works great there's still money to be made by reinventing the wheel and having to deal with bugs and glitches for years until it's finally perfected but then it doesn't matter because there will be a new CS with a new batch of bugs and glitches and it will be even more awesome because they changed how some shit looks even though all the maps are the same.


TD Admin
The problem with CS:GO isn't bugs it's the game mechanics. And CS:S is better, but even those of us who think so are often too lazy to try to populate the server; it's like swimming upstream.


TD Member
CS is like a perpetual motion machine, when it stops it seems impossible to get it started again and when it's full every day then you wonder how the hell that happened.