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The worst morning


DARKLY Regular
Wake up an hour earlier than usual as it's my first day of the new college semester and I just wanted to grab a coffee and chill a bit before classes. I get to the highway and the on-ramp is closed. I'm forced to drive around the entire city because of how shitty Hamiltons structure/layout/ and one-way streets are. Here's where it gets better!

Crossing the intersection before my school some old lady ON HER CELL PHONE decides to make a left turn (only reason she did it was because some young kid made an aggressive left turn previous to her and barely made it so she must've thought it was her advance without looking up from the phone)

I slam on my breaks go skidding through the intersection and she does the exact same thing. WHAT THE FUCK! If you're going to fuck up that bad, don't stop in your trails for me to hit you! If anything bottom out our pedal and get the fuck out of the way! Anyways, you probably get the picture; she skids to an almost stop and I slam into her. She then takes off and doesn't come back. Thank god my next class is at 3....

My morning rant.... >.> Shitty women drivers.


TD Admin | Bacon
You are way to negative dude. Gotta look at the upside, that shittty woman dr iver could of killed ya


2012 Troll of the Year
I was walking through the parking lot today on my way to work, and a lady nearly backed up into me, so I slammed my hand on her hood, surprising the hell out of her. Or maybe its because I'm a large black man (think Michael Clark Duncan) who was going to work.

Regardless, we need to institute a minimum IQ driving policy.



TD Member
I was walking through the parking lot today on my way to work, and a lady nearly backed up into me, so I slammed my hand on her hood, surprising the hell out of her. Or maybe its because I'm a large black man (think Michael Clark Duncan) who was going to work.

Regardless, we need to institute a minimum IQ driving policy.


When I lived in Vancouver you got the double wammy of Asian Women drivers...I cant count how many times they took a right turn into me while I was crossing, while they were looking left.

My solution which scares them even more was to jump on the hood, I put many a dent in stupid peoples cars.


TD Admin
I was walking through the parking lot today on my way to work, and a lady nearly backed up into me, so I slammed my hand on her hood, surprising the hell out of her. Or maybe its because I'm a large black man (think Michael Clark Duncan) who was going to work.

Regardless, we need to institute a minimum IQ driving policy.

R.I.P. Michael Clarke Duncan.

But...the only thing in common you have with MCD is the "Clarke" part. Well...you're kinda big too...


DARKLY Regular
haha my worst morning....

started the day at 4am with a dead work van battery at my sh*t apartment complex in the winter. So i had to put it in neutral and push it out of my spot so i could jump it with my car which was 3 spots over. I then proceeded to pick up my buddy at his house and went to the gas station to fill up on gas. My buddy went into the store to get coffee and what not while i was filling up, i locked the pump on so i could sit in my van while it filled and read a paper that was in my paycheck. My buddy came out of the store and sat down next to me. I then proceeded to decide i was done reading the paper and it was time to leave. I put the van in drive and pulled away and i hear and loud POP and im like "OH SHIT!" i pulled away from the pump WHILE still filling up and the nozzle snapped off and gas was spraying all over the place.

That was one hell of a morning haha. Its funny now but wasn't that day it happened i was quite pissed.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
morons: they are everywhere. be a defensive driver, i dodge dozens of derps daily. follow the "u rage, u lose" rule. there are too many dumb fucks out there, ull jsut end up raging all day! have a nice day and be safe.


DARKLY Regular
Wake up an hour earlier than usual as it's my first day of the new college semester and I just wanted to grab a coffee and chill a bit before classes. I get to the highway and the on-ramp is closed. I'm forced to drive around the entire city because of how shitty Hamiltons structure/layout/ and one-way streets are. Here's where it gets better!

Crossing the intersection before my school some old lady ON HER CELL PHONE decides to make a left turn (only reason she did it was because some young kid made an aggressive left turn previous to her and barely made it so she must've thought it was her advance without looking up from the phone)

I slam on my breaks go skidding through the intersection and she does the exact same thing. WHAT THE FUCK! If you're going to fuck up that bad, don't stop in your trails for me to hit you! If anything bottom out our pedal and get the fuck out of the way! Anyways, you probably get the picture; she skids to an almost stop and I slam into her. She then takes off and doesn't come back. Thank god my next class is at 3....

My morning rant.... >.> Shitty women drivers.

you shoulda fuckin tailed her


TD Member
morons: they are everywhere. be a defensive driver, i dodge dozens of derps daily. follow the "u rage, u lose" rule. there are too many dumb fucks out there, ull jsut end up raging all day! have a nice day and be safe.

this. this right here. lord knows i've wanted to punch people in the teeth at least 60 times a day, every day. just laugh it off and wish they shit their pants. :)


A Little Darkly
some chick ran into me while i was riding my bike on campus. bike and i flew up onto her hood. she slams on the breaks and we go flying. apparently i am a cat because i land on my feet. she gets out and starts freaking out. "omg, like are you ok? omg! your bike! what can i do for you?" 2 options: 1) what are you doing later...? 2) "oh nothing... im fine..." (ride my broke ass bike home).... dumbass me choose option 2.... my rims wobbled all the way home...