October $600 Donation Goal

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member

Ok guys, with the good news of us moving our servers to a new host, with no lag and better performance, comes the bad news: the cost involved in this transition.

The donation goal for the month of October was revised from the usual $250 to a steep $600 and I will explain why. Our current Toronto Host requires a 30 day notice for cancellations, and as a result we are stuck paying $250 for the month of November even tho we will not be using the server.
The remaining $350 is to cover the costs of the Chicago servers for this month and to raise for next month's bill. So in short, we are paying for both Chicago and Toronto servers for the months of October and November.
Some people wanted more clarification on the break down of the donation goal, so here it is. The $600 is a one time thing. Again covering the following:

$250 for Toronto Box for November
$175 for Chicago for October
$175 for Chicago for November

Total: $600
On November 1st, the goal will return to normal as we will be paying for one host in December.

Some people had offered to help with the costs of switching hosts, now is your chance to contribute.
This is very important guys, we need to hit this goal as to not break the bank and miss payments. So if there was ever a time that we desperately needed donations, this is it.

We thank everyone in advance for their contributions. Every penny counts, whatever you can spare, please do so.
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My birthday is in 2 weeks so I'll try to throw in some of my birthday money

Poor right now:(