• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

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Hello everyone!

Darkly | Sir BaconChops

A Little Darkly
Hello everyone! I'm Sir BaconChops, age 17, been in the tf2 darkly trading servers for quite a while now and just decided to join in the forums. Just to introduce myself as thoroughly as possible, I'm just video game lover. Love many games. Mario, Legend of Zelda, Team Fortress 2, Grand Theft Auto, you name it! I also do a lot of other stuff outside of gaming, such as a jazz bassist or some other stuff. I enjoy the darkly community and hopefully I can meet some new players and learn a thing or two (Hopefully, I can learn how be involved and understand how forum works. Never been involved, so this is pretty much my first forum thread. [Hopefully I'm doing ok XD]). But hopefully, I'll get to see some of you in the trading servers. I'm in server #1, #2, & #4 if you like to see me and have a nice friendly chat or anything. I make people laugh and feel happy or better in my social life. With that, I wish to bring that happiness, joyful, and friendly state to others and hopefully meet some new friends as well. :D I hope to see you in the trading servers and get to know each other better, and have a good one everyone! (^^)