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hi Im Robert, started playing TF2 in 2008 i think, bought the game in 2009. always play on Darkly trade servers for some reason with a slight chance of playing on Ponyvill. im a sophmore in college and deliver pizza. you should never work at the chistmas tree shops because they are evil, i would know i worked there for 3 years of my life; three years ill never get back. anyways my steam IDs are Meatball392 and Hi392. i use Meatball more often though.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
sup man ! i used to deliver pie too, a few yrs ago. best job ever!

welcome to the glorious DARKLY forums !!
Thanks all for replying to my post :D. yeah i love playing on the Darkly trade servers, its all i really play on. the mindless killing >:D, the scrapbanking, finding unusual items for sale, love it all!!!!

anyways if anyone wants to hit me up my steam is meatball392, or hi392. i use my meatball account more then the hi392
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