New Maps for TD CS:GO


TD Admin
Hey guys. So, I'm not sure if anyone has taken a peak recently on the workshop page for CS:GO but if you haven't there's a certain map up there that I think we would all love to see in rotation. LOST TEMPLE!! Yes, it's there!

There are a couple others that look good too. Heck, there's even a de_airport for CS:GO now too. I remember playing that on TD (99% it was TD) a long time ago.


A Little Darkly
Also, the new version of Assault is up, check that schnizz out man.
It's pretty beast, and more balanced too!


TD Admin
Ya, they added skylights on the roof so CT's can pick off lame T's, camping choke points, in the open.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
de_losttemple_go is now in the rotation.

As you've probably noticed, the site/forum goes down pretty often recently. Our fastDL is run on the site, too. So the problem with adding these new maps is that when the site is down no one can download shit. This happened last night when I forced the final version of de_mill. Until we get a new host for the site expect some AIDS when the new maps get forced or voted in.

Maps added to the server, but not in rotation:

de_office - reverse spawns, bomb map​
de_desert_atrocity_ecg_ve - the awesome dudes at East Coast Gamers FTW​
de_mill - final version, although still not by original author​

There will be more added as this whole Workshop thing has spurred map makers. We don't use the Workshop system yet on Toronto Darkly, though.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
We have de_cache, but not in rotation. Is there a decent de_tuscan out? Original author said he was working on it, but has since fallen off the edge of the Earth.