• Guest, we are looking for good Team Fortress 2 Trade Server Staff Members

    TF2 Staff Members have access to in-game administrative abilities to aid in server control, and help in the development of Darkly TF2 as a whole

ON HOLD [TF2] Moderator Application: AssClown

Ass Clown

DARKLY Regular
Game Handle(s): Darkly | -STD- Ass Clown
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: STD - Group of friends playing with the idealogy of minimizing drama in-game
Real First Name: Christopher(Chris)
Age: 24
Location: San Antonio, Tx - Moving to Austin, Tx in ~3 weeks
Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: Toronto Trade 2, mostly
Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin: Moreso than just a presence on the server, I'd like to be able to assist on the server(s). Too many times i've seen people spam mic, bail on trades/spy crabs, be complete assholes. Would much prefer to be able to take care of these individuals ruining the gaming experience of others whilst i'm online. I'm all about making the environment as peaceful, enjoyable, and legitimate as possible.

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 40 hours of play? Yes
Do you have a working mic? Yes


TD Admin / Wanker
Thanks for applying, everything seems to be good here.
As you may already know, applications can take a while to process.

So, stick around, post some more and get to know everyone a bit better while you wait :D


Senior TF2 Admin
I'd endorse him, but that'd only do more damage than help, i fear.

Anyways, i have played with Ass Clown for 2 years now. He'd make a great (gay) mod. I think the most important thing to mention here is that, while gay, he is not a brony.

Longest 2 years of my life, btw. :limphand:



I'm actually surprised he hadn't applied yet.
He's not like me and most other darkly peeps that get rejected because they apply as soon as they get to the forums.
Not extremely active, unless he posts in the deep depths I don't look, but I've played with him on TF2 and L4D2 and he's a good guy.


Death by Darkly
I'm putting this app On Hold until you can reach a point where life allows you to resume your server activity. Just post on the app when you feel you can start playing on the servers again, Ass Clown.